Monday, April 2, 2012


By: Michael Rivera

Today is greeted by the warm yellow sun, nestled gently against a blanket of soft, tender clouds.
The daisy are waking, as the morning slips away slowly from its long winter sleep.
Though tired they still are, heads still slumped low. The beauty is all around;
you can feel it in the breeze, smell it in the air, feel it in the grass, see it in the colors.
Nature that we so love like a child.

The students gather around; smiles and waves to old friends
as they text on their cell phones or update their twitter accounts
oh no! whats the new drama on Facebook?
walking aimlessly to their distint locations while the flowers sit and wait for someone
to stop! and enjoy their vanity.
yet, we are so into our inane interests of other things that preoccupy the time that we so shortly
waste on what our society has consonance of completely compromised concepts.

With so much convergence, our worlds go from the five senses,
to the captions that we take and hold, yet loose the experience.
In the forest behind us is the vast opportunity for adventure
and splendor, yet in front of us is the computer that we consume
like an addict snorting cocaine; it's just that this habit is accepted by the populous.
Its the little things that we walk away from that cause us to loose,
the sanity of when we could just enjoy the simplicity of things.
Its the little things that we look at like a glass object and forget about; unappreciated....

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