Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ruggers Help Community and Head to Playoffs

There is two thing that Corvallis Brewers do extremely well; helping the community and playing rugby.

The Corvallis Rugby Club (a recently granted non-profit organization) is part of the Pacific Northwest Rugby Football Union Men’s Division III League. From players and members ranging 18 to 50, this social club brings people from around the Linn, Benton, and Marion Counties together.

Jeff Billings, member an LBCC student, says that the recently turned non-profit organization wants to focus on community by starting rugby clinics during the summer, help other organizations (such as Habitat for Humanity) and establishing their women's team. Billings says that the club wants to be involved around the communities to show people that rugby is a sport for everyone.

“This is a great club throughout the whole league. We are a lot more organized since past years, our first year with a coach, and a really tight-knit group that meld as a unit,” said Billings.

The Corvallis Brewers started in 1973. The program ended up folding in the early ‘90s, yet some members held onto the bank accounts and uniforms. After approaching many ex-rugby players at OSU, who were past the eligibility, the club started back up. Except this time, they’re growth has been exponential every new year.

“The club is growing,” said Yonatan Weiss, Team Representative. “Our practices went from 8-15 players to 15-30 players this year.”

From a small group of friends to a community club, the Brewers have banned together to put their home town on the page of prestige in the rugby community. Members range from Corvallis, Albany and the Salem area. Fighting tooth and nail, tit for tat, the Brewers are making a rumble throughout Washington and Oregon as a force to be reckoned with.This club rugby team has been able to hold the number 3 ranked spot in the Pacific Northwest Rugby Union as they head off into the playoffs, starting April 15th at Skyliner Park in Bend, Oregon.

“Our best qualities are the team spirit, encouragement and the inclusive culture,” said Winston McCullough, first-year coach of the Brewers, “One thing that has improved us from last year is the commitment of these players.”

Jake Jones, President of the Corvallis Rugby Club, was a former Oregon State Rugby player. He talks about the club as an opportunity to continue rugby, a lifelong passion, and a place of great friendships.

“Overall, the mentality isn’t super competitive. Don’t get me wrong; we still do compete to win, but our club is more social with everyone on our team and within our conference. Think about it; how many club sports teams house the opposing team as they visit? You don’t find that very often.”

At a Glance:

If you are interested in joining:

Corvallis Rugby Club

phone: (541) 321-0879

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