Tuesday, April 24, 2012

JN 134: Video on Photojournalist in the Thick

By: Michael Rivera
Staff Videographer/Contributing Writer
The LBCC Commuter

Check out this story by the Huffington Post: shocking footage of a college party gone bad at Kent State University. In the video, you will see the use of flash bang grenades and tear gas. Usually, I would take the opinion that this is excessive, but you have to see the videos of the college students openly rioting against the police. All I have to say is that if you're in a crowd of 3,000 people and are throwing beer bottles at policemen, you have all the bad things coming to you.

Check out this video of the photojournalist at work. See how much she's moving and how fast she's taking pictures. I found this quite interesting since she was there right in the middle of the riot happening:

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