Monday, May 21, 2012

SLC Update for May 21-25

By: Michael Rivera
Staff Videographer/Contributing Writer

This is your update on the LBCC Student Life and Leadership (SLC) issues and events of May 21st to May 25th:

There will be a KONY 2012 Documentary Discussion in the Forum Auditorium on Tuesday, May 21st. The first half of the event will be watching a documentary of the “Invisible Children” movement, to stop a child slavery by the hand of Joseph Kony, leader of the “Lord’s Resistance Army” (LRA). The second half will be open for comments or critiques of the documentary. This event will be run by legislative affairs director Eric Knoll and publicity coordinator Laura Kramer.

In this week’s SLC weekly meeting, the student government will meet with LBCC President Greg Hamann, as a part of a monthly update on past and future activities going on around campus. Also, the SLC committee will be presenting a plan to revise the SLC bylaws that will directly influence the committee. For more information, this meeting will be Wednesday, May 23rd, in the SLC Office.

There is a position open in student government. SLC is currently taking applications for event coordinator for the 2012-2013 school year. Applications can be found online or picked up from the SLC office. Responsibilities will include working with the a team to plan and work events happening around the campus. Applications are due Friday, May 25th, at the SLC Office.

Questions or Concerns? Stop by your SLC Office at Forum 122 to ask questions.

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