Sunday, January 13, 2013

Find your OWN Way

By: Michael Rivera
positive minds make for positive gains,
we define our own idiosyncrasies;
yet, take every thought captive with salty grains.

Issues we find imperative to our social function are full of ignorant refrains. 
It’s the superfluous contrast of good or bad, 
we defined as a pot to piss in or life riddled with shit-stains. 

pound for pound, we piled on the cynicism,
defined under the pressure of preposterous pretensions; 
like a depressing cold bowl of failed criticism.

Look past the position of self-created power schism.
Look in your OWN mirror, drink from your OWN glass of matriculated melancholy;
learn in life by the consequences of your OWN rhyme and rhythm.

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