Friday, June 1, 2012

New Deans at LBCC

By: Michael Rivera
The LBCC Commuter
Video Editor/Writer

The winds are changing at LBCC as two young administrators take over as the deans of Liberal Arts and Instruction.

New Dean Katie Winder. by Kody Kinsella
Katie Winder has begun her new position as dean of Liberal Arts, while Jonathan Paver is finishing up his time at Triton College before starting Monday, July 2. Since they excelled in their respective interviews, LBCC decided to offer both Winder and Paver positions for the good of the college.
There were four candidates for the dean of Liberal Arts position during the month of April. They interviewed over a period of three days. Teresa Thomas, administrative assistant for the dean of Liberal Arts, was part of the hiring committee that interviewed Winder.
“Some people will give you long, lengthy presentations, where Katie was enthusiastic, works well with people, and brings a new breath of excitement,” says Thomas.
After becoming a finalist to become the dean of Liberal Arts, Winder was a contender for the dean of instruction position as well.
In all, the college had seven candidates for the dean of instruction.
Beth Hogeland, executive vice president of Academic Affairs and former dean of Liberal Arts, describes the choices as difficult. Both Paver and Winder were well qualified for the dean of instruction job.
“Both candidates (Paver and Winder) are really young for college administrators. It makes me think of how the world is changing; they are both very tech savvy, knowledgeable about distance education and are researchers with curious minds,” says Hogeland. “We hired both of them within three weeks of each other. They both have a strong interest in students. Even though they didn’t have the years of experience, they were able to captivate us by that interest.”
The position of dean of instruction was offered to Paver. Overall, the choices appear to be a win for everyone.
Both new administrators want to focus on helping students, and will have the opportunity in the time to come.

At A Glance:

Katie Winder 
Dean of Liberal Arts, Social Systems and Human Performance

  • Helps find ways to help students and their study environments, within the department. 

South Santiam Hall 101

Jonathan Paver
Dean of Instruction

  • Advising
  • Evaluates all curriculum. 

Paver starta July 22nd, 2012

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