Thursday, February 2, 2012

Who Knew the Skyy Was So Sexy

By: Michael Rivera

Let’s face it: How do you market a product that averages seventy-five thousand deaths in the past 3 decades? Simple: Sex, money and glamor. Most Americans are brought up in a society that promotes these types of behavior because if you’re not cool, you’re not interesting. Skyy Vodka is notoriously infamous for its “sex appeal ads campaigns, which are highly successful. Many people find controversy in this ad campaign, yet these ads are still easy to find around the Internet. Skyy instills a message of class, promoting that the world is yours for the taking.
The campaigns are more subtle that people think; it’s not just a gorgeous girl standing or laying down. Those are the items that keep you staring at the ad. No, its the looks, the body position, the dress, the setting, and where the product is located. The early attraction gets everyone. Yet, as we look deeper into the picture, we look for a story. We want meaning behind the pictures we see. Take this ad for example: There is a beautiful brunette, sleek and slender in the body with very well-proportioned assets in her top and bottom areas. She wears a provocative dress that exposes her cleavage, back/lats, and her long, smooth legs; barely covering her private box of womanhood. She holds a shaker, used to make what appears to be a martini. She brushes one leg against an unseen man sitting in a very expensive looking seat. The mystery man wears a very smooth suit and holds his martini glass very astute, like he shouldn’t be waiting for his drink. She stares at the man’s face with what seems to be a look of passion, yet not of the love kind. She screams for his attention, by this devious and manipulative look. She gives off a vibe of pure infatuated sexual desire.
This ad uses a very strong sense of snob appeal. This caters to a higher class audience, yet will bring in people of lesser means, due to the glamor that it portrays. The setting is in what seems to be a penthouse suite, that only a person with very established needs could afford. Also, the style of furniture used is very modern, giving the off the vibe of new and innovative. This definitely is more related to a myth, because most people don’t have the means to live a fantasy like the photo represents.

This ad is just another picture in Skyy’s massive ad collection. Take a look at a couple more of these campaign pictures: you can see the underlying themes clear as day. Skyy chose sex as its biggest promoter. Their ads push ethical boundaries, even in their own distilled spirits community. These ads cater to your college students, who wants to be cool and fly. Middle to rich classes definitely get positive reinforcement about their status due to these advertisements as well. Unfortunately, high school students can fall into this campaign due to their interest in growing up. They want to be older, more mature; so, they’ll pick up on this message of being powerful and sexy.

This ad is very strong for magazines, because people will take the time to look at the picture. They will come up with their own assumptions of the product, but here is the real kicker: Since this is a very focused picture, viewers will tend to see this an associate it when looking at a Skyy Vodka bottle.
In conclusion, Skyy is trying to set a new standard for sexy in the alcohol business. As time goes on, they push and push to find the barrier of which they can break. The latest controversy of their ads caused a nationwide disturbance, which Skyy could only smile about. Regardless of positive or negative attention, They are still talking about how sexy Skyy can be.

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